Fifty ways, to catch a fish

In the 1980’s Paul Simon wrote the song “fifty ways to leave your lover”.

Every year when we are bear watching and we see the powerful Kodiak bears catch all those fish, this song goes round in my head.  Paul Simon only described a few ways of ending a relationship. In this report we will let you see up to 15 different ways how a bear catches his fish. The bear is, as far as that’s concerned, more creative than Paul Simon. Some of them really deserve the jackpot.

The jackpot is always there for the Kodiak bears. The immense amount of fish makes this look like the land of plenty. And by the time August arrives, most of these bears have already turned into extremely large obese bears. With their plump shaped bear bellies; they would never have won a beauty contest, but rather an Obese award.

But, in spite of their size they never seem to have enough to eat. As soon as they are in the water, they look around ravenously and their body twitches. It’s like a sort of hunger hick. Mostly it only lasts for a few minutes.  Then it registers and the bear goes off to claim his share of the salmon parade. Each bore, female or cub has their own method of catching fish. Some bears have developed a terrific style all of their own. Several of them don’t even have to make the effort. Just like Happy Harry they hover round in the river, stick their head in the water, open their mouth to let the water flow in and low and behold a fish just happens to swim right in between their teeth.

Most of them have to work hard at it. Quickly chasing the fish that is desperately trying so hard to avoid the bear. A freebie both above and under the water. A lot of times the fish are lucky to escape, but because there are so many at the same time, there is always one that gets caught.

There are also smart bears and bear cubs that eat the leftovers, or the ones that beg by their mother for a tasty piece. You also have the ones who spend the whole time whining with an unbearably piteous growl. Mostly this whining helps so they still end up with enough food. They will never learn to fish. You also have hilarious hauls, for example, bears making gurgling noises while drifting on the water, hiding behind stones, throwing stones, the anglers and the tapeworm baiters.

We have put together a list with subtitles. We wish you lots of pleasurable viewing with a laugh.

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(click on the above photo(s) to see what other ways there are to catch a fish)

Rika en Harry